Thursday, March 25, 2010

Nailed by Patrick Jones

Have you ever wondered what "normal" means when related to people. You've heard people say that person is just not normal or maybe you yourself have been told you are not normal. In "Nailed" by Patrick Jones, Brett is asking that same question and trying to figure out why his Dad doesn't like him, why teachers don't get his way of thinking. Of course Brett is not your jock type of person, but a pony-tailed, dyed different colors, punk wearing, band playing, individual. He acts in the school plays and has good grades on top of it all. He likes girls and finally gets a girlfriend but things don't always run as smoothly as Brett would like. While Brett is trying to figure himself out there is always the faction at school that has to give him grief - ridiculing him, calling him faggot, just plain making his life miserable. How much more of this can a person take? To find out how Brett deals with the questions, the bullys, and the girlfriend, pick up the book "Nailed" and read it.

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